Thursday 10 October 2024



PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) and TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) modules are two advanced solar cell technologies designed to improve efficiency and performance. Here are the main differences between them:

PERC Modules:

  1. Structure: PERC cells feature a passivated layer on the rear side, which reduces electron recombination and enhances light absorption.
  2. Efficiency: PERC technology generally achieves higher efficiencies than traditional cells, often reaching around 20-22% for commercial modules.
  3. Cost: PERC cells can be produced using existing manufacturing processes, making them relatively cost-effective.
  4. Performance: PERC modules offer better performance in low-light conditions and improved temperature coefficients compared to standard solar cells.
  5. Light-Induced Degradation (LID): PERC cells can be affected by LID, similar to traditional P-type cells.

TOPCon Modules:

  1. Structure: TOPCon cells incorporate a thin tunnel oxide layer on the rear side, combined with a highly doped silicon layer. This configuration allows for more effective passivation of both the front and rear surfaces.
  2. Efficiency: TOPCon technology typically achieves even higher efficiencies, often exceeding 22% and approaching 25% in some cases.
  3. Cost: The manufacturing process for TOPCon is more complex, which can lead to higher production costs, although efficiencies may justify the investment.
  4. Performance: TOPCon modules excel in high-temperature performance and light-induced degradation, offering improved long-term stability.
  5. LID Resistance: TOPCon cells are generally more resistant to LID compared to PERC cells, contributing to better reliability over time.


  • PERC: Easier to produce, moderate efficiency (20-22%), effective for low-light conditions, susceptible to LID.
  • TOPCon: Higher efficiency (22-25%), complex production, excellent temperature performance, and better LID resistance.

Choosing between PERC and TOPCon modules will depend on specific project requirements, budget, and desired efficiency



P-type and N-type Topcon solar modules refer to different types of solar cell technology that utilize distinct semiconductor materials and structures. Here are the key differences between them:

P-type Topcon Solar Modules:

  1. Material: P-type modules typically use boron-doped silicon. The boron creates "holes" (positive charge carriers) in the silicon lattice.
  2. Efficiency: Generally, P-type cells have slightly lower efficiency compared to N-type cells but can still achieve competitive performance.
  3. Temperature Coefficient: P-type modules usually have a higher temperature coefficient, which means their performance can degrade more in high temperatures.
  4. Cost: P-type cells tend to be less expensive to produce due to established manufacturing processes and materials.
  5. Light-Induced Degradation (LID): P-type cells are more susceptible to LID, which can reduce efficiency over time when exposed to sunlight.

N-type Topcon Solar Modules:

  1. Material: N-type modules use phosphorus-doped silicon. The phosphorus introduces free electrons (negative charge carriers) into the silicon.
  2. Efficiency: N-type cells often offer higher efficiencies and better performance due to their superior electronic properties and reduced recombination losses.
  3. Temperature Coefficient: N-type modules typically have a better temperature coefficient, meaning they maintain efficiency better under high temperatures.
  4. Cost: While N-type cells can be more expensive to produce due to more complex manufacturing processes, their higher efficiency can lead to better overall value.
  5. Light-Induced Degradation (LID): N-type cells are less affected by LID, making them more reliable over the long term.


  • P-type: Lower cost, more susceptible to LID, higher temperature coefficient, decent efficiency.
  • N-type: Higher efficiency, better temperature performance, less susceptible to LID, potentially higher production costs.

When choosing between the two, considerations like budget, efficiency needs, and long-term reliability are important.